Welcome to Aurora Lee Boutique

Welcome to our small (on the rising) online boutique. It might be small but is jam packed with small gifts ideas, unique hampers and added lifestyle and well being products. Situated in a small town in Limpopo, the boutique started from what everyone would see as a difficult time in the world where futures changed in a wink, not knowing when there will be a ‘Normal’ again. 

Need an event consultant? We have over 10 years experience in the events and hospitality industry and could help consult in your big day!

A Little more background....

Even though the name “Aurora” has come a long way with me, the idea of Aurora Lee Boutique only came when the realization hit that I might not be able to go back to the industry I loved. 

Rewind a year before Covid hit, I gave birth to a beautiful son, unfortunately there were complications that changed our life and forced me to become a stay at home mom, having to leave the event and hospitality industry. When Covid hit, we made the decision to be closer to medical care for my son, meaning leaving the place we called home for so long and saying “See you Later” (with a longer effect) to our Sodwana family.

What is the deeper meaning?

The name Aurora (pronounce ah-roar-ah) came from my child hood fascination of the northern light, meaning ‘dawn’ and Lee meaning ‘shelter from the storm’. A start of something new in my life. The fear of leaving a life behind that I loved, the journey our family have had to take on medically and the promise that there will be a brighter future if we just keep the faith, pray and keep on believing, we will get through the storm.